Monday, July 14, 2008

mc day 6 and 7 aka miss universe boggles my mind

lady gaga performs at miss universe 2008. a bit awkward, maybe?

more about my detox later. while workin on my summer reading with the tv on in the background, my roommate and i came upon yesterday's miss universe contest, this year held in vietnam. immediately my wtf-face came on as i watched the opening sequence of national costumes. my mind couldn't wrap around all these questions:

1. what's with the freaking sexy stripper gazes at the camera? was miss universe always this freakin sexy, aka slutty?
2. what in the world is with the juxtaposition of lady gaga and her asexual dance troup with the scantily clad contestants boppin around like go go dancers?
3. who the hell decided it would be a genius idea for jerry springer to co-host with scary spice?
4. why does miss usa fall AGAIN during the evening gown competition (altho i prefer last year's flop)? is that what usa gets?
5. does anyone else think miss usa looks like a bootleg rihanna before she hired a stylist?
6. does this contest not remind you of a grown-up version of little miss sunshine? but even more disturbing?
7. must donald trump objectify both women and entire cultures to promote his resort empire? really? (i tried finding a clip of the contestants sporting bikinis and chinaman hats in the vietnamese jungle, but i couldn't. damnit.)
8. why can't i change the damn channel???

sad to say, i was both perturbed and entertained at the same time. bah.

anyhoo, back to the cleanse: easily made it through day 6 and 7 without any mishaps. well, i am tired of wiping my ass (and so is my sore ass), and i thought of licking the sauce off my niece's pizza, but besides that it's been smooth sailing. woke up this morning (day 8), and found some new frontier in the toilet -- i will refrain from descriptions for now. my tongue is sorrrrrta becoming pink, but still has those icky white spots.

3 more days, i can see the promiseland! yummy soup, here i come!

to celebrate my week anniversary of the cleanse, my favorite clip from little miss sunshine:

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