Monday, July 7, 2008

master cleanse: day 1

woke up at 9am to my stomach gurgling, and took a refreshing #2. was pretty tired still, so went back to sleep and then woke up a min later and realized i wasn't quite done. went back to sleep and didnt get up again til about 12:45. yay for vacation.

went to trader joe's and whole foods to buy maple syrup grade B (it's the unprocessed good stuff) and cayenne pepper (somethin in it helps your stomach from feeling hungry). i tried to ignore all the vibrant, fresh, and yummy smelling food surrounding me and booked straight to the appropriate aisles. thought to myself, damn, i won't be eating any of you beautiful things for the next 10 days :(

came back and did the salt water enema. realized that i had to drink a full quart (thats 32 ounces; two regular-sized water bottles) of that gross salty water stuff. i don't even have any cups that big, so i had to take it in two loads. almost yacked midway, but evnetually finished it like a champ. 20-ish minutes later, had a grand time peeing out my butt (ha, sorry.).

finally by 2pm, made some spicy lemonade. put wayyyy too much cayenne the first time, but it sure does taste good. hopefully i'll have energy to work out later to day. we'll see.

since i'm on vacation i know i gotta establish some routines for this week, to stop me from being bored out of my mind thinking of food all day. so, this is what i intend to do at least everyday this week:
- work out: either yoga at home, or cardio at the gym, or run. i hate running; but last time i did the cleanse i was able to the most running i've ever done, so i'ma try to challenge myself.
- read read read: i'ma try to cleanse myself from other distracting toxins like television (damn, i can't watch food network or anthony bourdain's no reservations!), shopping, bull shittin online (altho i've already spent like 3 hours g-chatting) and read instead. i need to read at least 5 books this summer since i'm teaching a new grade this coming year. that and i started obama's book about his dad -- it's pretty good so far.
- do somethin outdoors: i can't stay cooped up here at home, so i'll either go to the beach, park, or do some kinda hike and try to free my mind a lil bit.
- cleanse other areas in my life: i need to wash my car! figure out my financial loans, blah blah.
- create somethin: blog, write, paint?, play the piano... somethin like that.

just finished chillin on my new patio furniture, reading song of the hummingbirds by graciela limon -- a heartwrenching account of an aztec princess turned slave turned concubine about the spanish conquest of tenochtitlan. then researched spanish colonization on the net. meanwhile, i've already drank 5 out of 6 big cups of the lemonade (about 16 oz each), and i'm feelin a lil weak. not so much hungry -- my stomach growled only once -- but my body just feels weak. probably won't work out til tomorrow. i'm already thinking about food, specifically this lovely piece of sourdough bread staring me in the face lying on the dining table. not cuz i'm hungry, only cuz my mouth is bored of drinking acid. i feel like taking a nap.

day one is nearing its end and i gotta say, it's been a long day tryin to occupy my time, drink crazy amounts of liquid and not think of food. coulda gone out bowling with homies, but i honestly don't feel like being social. i'm sittin here watching anthony bourdain's no reservations -- an episode about malaysia and laos, and i keep seeing these bomb ass dishes, but i don't feel like turnin the tv off. maybe this is training for me to be in front of folks who are eating food later in this week.

anyways, day one wasn't so bad. a lot of gurgling in the stomach that confuses me for hunger, but i think i'm just adjusting to this liquid diet. gotta babysit three youngins tomorrow; we'll see how that goes. i will do yoga for sure tomorrow... day one done!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

hahaha... the lax tea + salt water really kicked in this morning