Thursday, September 11, 2008

back to school, week 1

not completely done with week 1 -- it seems both like forever ago and just a blink ago that this week started, after much anticipation, much sweat and [sometimes tears] stressing about putting together an entirely new classroom in an entirely new and small school.

some funny / inspiring / surprising moments of this week that involve both my students and (in an pleasantly unexpected way) my parents:

- best random phrase said to me by a student while i was trying to faciliate a teambuilding game: "miss, why do you have a hickey on your neck?" (to which i simply and calmly said, "yeah, i don't think i have one" (which i didn't!) and moved on. the wonders of being in your third year of teaching and being able to brush off wacky comments!)

- most inspiring moment so far: in a discussion about humanities and how history and literature represent the human condition, i played the song and youtube clip of strange fruit for all my classes. some students were moved so much they were crying in class. but besides that one young, outspoken young woman spoke up and talked about her grandmother's family being lynched and how she didn't want anyone to think that the song was funny or to react in an immature way and think seriously about the song. this young person is definitely someone i'm gonna focus on getting to really step up this year...

- least surprising moment so far: hearing that the students have asked the only other asian teacher at the school (who's vietnamese) if she and i are sisters. i've emphasized at least three times afterwards that i'm filipino. starred it on my map in my classroom and everything. talked to students how in the philippines we call our towns "barrios" too... am i doin too much? probably. will they know who are filipinos are by the end of this year? yes.

- interesting, to say the least, fact about my students so far: i have one pregnant student at 4 months; one male student who brought in his 2-week baby afterschool on the first day. boy, was that a trip seeing this young "man" holding this tiny little baby with the look of such maturity but at the same time seeming, still, so young. i hear another student might also be pregnant...

- which leads to the unexpected moment of the week: i had dinner with my parents the first day, and told them about the young parents in my classes. my mom brushed it off, sayin she wasn't surprised. my dad however, suddenly went deep into contemplation mode and all the sudden started talking about how at 18, he got this 16-year old girl pregnant. i already knew about having a long-lost sister, but i've never truly had such an open conversation with him about it, let alone with him AND my mom at the same time. i dunno if it's just me getting older, but it's nice having open conversations about seemingly taboo topics with your parents...

he told me how it wasn't even his girlfriend at the time, how he went off to the service when she got pregnant, and later returned years later to be sued by the mom. he talked about wanting to meet her, but not knowing how to go about it.

it's crazy cuz i remember growing up with two older brothers who at timed seemed too cool, too old, or too male-oriented to be close to. that and they were always farting on me or making me do random "projects" for them like making tap ramen for them or smelling their dirty socks. i always felt like having a sister would alleviate me and my need for a female presence in my life, besides my barbies and my mom who worked a lot. who knows... maybe i'll look my "sister" up on facebook one day... altho i hardly would know what to say...

anywhos. in a nutshell, so far (even tho it ain't over), good, positive, inspiring week. it's easy to get bogged down in planning, re-planning, prepping, and all the other hundred things to do when you're teaching. but when you go to work and see a bunch of bright eyed, honest, outspoken and energetic young people curious about the world, it's hard not to want to be good for them.

1 comment:

Chres.ten said...

i hear you on that! it's so true feeling so exhausted with the planning and re-planning...but those moments with the students just make it well worth it!

damn, you are inspiring too, steph! for real.